Welcome to Trapeze and Aerial Acrobatics for Adult Beginners
Block starts on March 19th for Wednesdays and March 23rd for Sundays.
The lessons are one hour sessions on Wednesdays at 7pm & Sundays at 12.30pm
What do I get out of these lessons?
* Skills - You will learn basic skills on Silks, Trapeze, Rope & Hoop
* Awareness - Body awareness is an essential part to your health, helping you listening and stay in tune with your body
* Co-ordination - Developing co-ordination is a great skill, not just for functionality but to create new brain synapses, the best for your mental health
* Anti-stress - The mix of physical effort and emotional engagement due to the primal instinct kick produce by the height element, creates a full immertion, your problems stay outside and your brain will have a relief from that stress.
* Feel good vibes - The adrenaline rush and release of endorphines, dopamine and serotonin will help reduce anxiety and make you feel like a billion dollars
* Personal develpment - Challenge yourself, learn to manage your fears and get that amazing reward reaching your goals one class at the time
About the lessons
This is the adults very beginners class, as the name suggests we will help you learn trapeze but also rope, aerial silks and aerial hoop, in an easy way, no strength or flexibility required! You will gain those as you progress.
The sessions work not only at a physical level but also for coordination and even at an emotional level, as your brain adjusts to height perception and being upside down, resulting in a work out that builds on your fitness, and an adrenaline filled activity with self-confidence rewards.
How to book:
Choose an option from the list below - Click on the dates you want to CANCEL if you already know you won't be available or the dates previous to your booking date (the classes you missed before booking), you'll be able to re-schedule for the alternative day.
When booking a single class, choose Single Session then choose the date from the second sub menu.
Attendance flexibility:
You can re-schedule sessions as long as you cancel them with 3 days notice or when you book. The sessions are interchangeble between the 2 available days. For instance, you may book 10 Wed. sessions but cancel the odd one you're not available to take and replace it with a Sun. session. Click on the date to cancel classes, then press on Confirm These Changes to submit, the submenues on the right will show you the available classes, W5 or S5 for classes in the first 5 weeks, while classes on weeks 6 to 10 will be under - W10, S10.
All your booked sessions need to be used within the block.
How many lessons do you need:
We suggest 10 to 15 sessions to complete the program into the next level but since you progress at your own pace, people may require less or more time according to their ability and the frequency of attendance.
Safety & environment:
Learn at low heights and with the use of safety mats, one on one supervision and public liability insurance. The training space has gym hardwood floor and it's well heated during the cold months for a cozy learning environment and to help preventing injuries.
Besides learning new and exciting skills while you keep fit, Spinal Chord provides a friendly environment and opportunities to socialise and keep the motivation up.
16 years old and over!!
Recommended Max. weight 75kg!
Please mind the above! It's ok to be over 75kg if you're tall and/or have enough muscle to pull your bodyweight up.
We spot beginners by physically supporting them, it would be difficult to spot you over that weight limit. It maybe very frustrating for you not making it up to the equipment.
What to wear:
Wear comfy, layered clothing that is reasonably snug and bring socks, get your legs covered. Don't wear skirts or shorts, unless these are over leggings.
All your booked sessions need to be used within the block.
Sessions take place at The Firhill Complex - 87 Hopehill Road - G20 7HH View map
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